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We appologize for the absence

We realize we have not updated in some time. We have been busy levelling and raiding Naxxramas, which is no excuse, but it is an explanation.

Since last, we have found and tamed the gorgeous Loque'Nahak and renamed him Ulm. He does very well in raids, and he makes our dps happy. It is a bit sad, though, that this has more or less retired Luna completely. We miss her, but Ulm just does so much better than her. Perhaps we will have to try and breed them and see if the result would be worthwhile...

We have also since last picked up a while bear, who now tanks for us. Kerchak has not been retired, but the bear, whose name is Vielgat, is much better at keeping all the mobs off us. Kerchak might at some point be released.

In addition to this, we have taken a young draenei shaman under our wing. She is a bit haughty, but we guess that is what we get for mixing with nobility. Because apparently she is a High Lady of some sort. We are not used to dealing with nobility... We might just let her introduce herself in a separate post later on.

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