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I tamed a gorilla yesterday. He has not yet been named, though. He looks very tough, though, and he manages to hold aggro off me just fine. Though it shall be said that my new spec is not made for optimal raid DPS, and more for grinding and leveling.

My guild still tore through Karazhan without problems, and took down The Curator before the first Evocation. Then we went and took down Onyxia. We had a blast. I honestly do not think I have had so much fun on a Kara-raid before. And my beloved Luna is still a viable DPS-pet, though Rake is not exactly an ultimate attack.

Next on my agenda is to buy the last stable-slot and go tame a blue moth and a core hound. Then, when Northrend opens, one will have to go so I can pick up a rhino.

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