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We have been to Karazhan.

Since last time, our lovely guild invited us to tag along to Karazhan, and we could of course not refuse, even though that meant standing up our friends we were going to heroic Mechanar with. We think it was worth it, though, and when they saw what it earned us, they could not agree more. We were extremely lucky and got our first non-welfare epic, the Legacy, which the Crone generously dropped for us. It meant that we lost our shot at the Fiend Slayer Boots from the Chess event, but it was still well worth it. And now we are just 2 Badges of Justice away from the Choker of Vile Intent. That choker will mean that we are just 20 hit points away from cap. Yes, we are excited.

And we must admit that it felt really nice to be told by our guild of Serpentshrine Cavern-geared raiders that we did very well in Kara. We are hoping the experience will be repeated soon, as we had to split before Prince, and we do want to meet him too.

Warlord Kalithresh was also thoughtful enough to drop our Beast Lord Mantle the other night, while at the same time giving us the reputation with the Cenarion Expedition we needed to finally get the Glyph of Ferocity we have been wanting for a while now. So yes, we are extremely pleased with this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the successful Kara run: Legacy on your first trip--how great is that!

Happened upon your blog through Entrecard. If you aren't already aware, there is quite a community of WoW bloggers at www.blogazeroth.com -- stop by and check us out!