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I would like to introduce myself.


This here is our first attempt at telling our story to others than our previous and current guilds.

We are me, Souvraya Darkwhyn, a night elf hunter of the 70th season, trained in Beast Mastery, and my trusty nightsaber Luna, also of the 70th season. I have posted a little picture of myself to let you know what I look like. Later I might try to find a picture of us together, preferably taken during the day rather than the night, as the lighting is so much better for picture taking then. I suppose that just because we can see in the dark, not everyone else can, and the rather bad camera I found certainly cannot handle dusk or darker.

I just realised that you cannot see my scar in that picture... Oh well, I will tell you that story another time. I might also have to introduce you all to my trusty gnome friend Hiiro, who is kind enough to take care of much of my banking for me.

I can, other than that, inform that it is a bit expensive to train engineering from scratch, and I am already missing the possibility of skinning what I kill. Luckily, my dear friend Vinnie has offered to supply me with the leather I need for my leatherworking. I do not know what we would do without our dear, supportive friends.

I will write more at a later time, and perhaps introduce you to some of my other friends.

Best regards,
Souvraya Darkwhyn,
Raven of The Raven Council

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