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A little pet update.

My gorilla got a name. He is now named Kerchak. One more pet has also been added to our force. A beautiful, blue moth whose name is Aroree. Now we just need to pay for the last stable slot and grab one more pet to have a full regiment. We are looking forward to that, though we are not sure what the last pet will be.


I tamed a gorilla yesterday. He has not yet been named, though. He looks very tough, though, and he manages to hold aggro off me just fine. Though it shall be said that my new spec is not made for optimal raid DPS, and more for grinding and leveling.

My guild still tore through Karazhan without problems, and took down The Curator before the first Evocation. Then we went and took down Onyxia. We had a blast. I honestly do not think I have had so much fun on a Kara-raid before. And my beloved Luna is still a viable DPS-pet, though Rake is not exactly an ultimate attack.

Next on my agenda is to buy the last stable-slot and go tame a blue moth and a core hound. Then, when Northrend opens, one will have to go so I can pick up a rhino.


It cost us lots of gold, but...

Friday night, we hit exalted with both the Shattered Sun Offensive and the Aldor, which means we grabbed the greater inscriptions of vengeance for our beastmaw pauldrons and exchanged our choker of vile intent for the Shattered Sun pendant of might. It is mighty mighty, if we may say so, with a nice proc. We think it is worth it, despite now being 11 points under the hit cap. We will make do, and perhaps buy some +hit gems again. We will just have to wait and see.

At least we can inform that we are mighty pleased with ourselves. Yes, we do.


We just thought we would tell

We have taken another young hunter under our wing, though not financially, as she is another horde. She is a tauren, and she told us she tamed a cougar. Her name is Tjodno, and her cougar's name is Raka. We have been told that her name means "sand".

/nods of approval


We wonder. Hence we ask.

We have been a pure Beast Master since our mid-40s. We have loved it. Our group has loved it. Though they did love the short, short period we were MM/SV with Clever Traps rank 2, they love us more as deep (as in 45/13/3) BM. We are still very good at the chain-trapping, we know how to deal with the trap time vs. the cooldown. We love when Ferocious Inspiration procs. We would pretty much kill for this spec. Or so we thought...

We have found ourselves considering a hybrid build of lately. And we do not know whether to go 31 in BM or MM, but we know we will have 30 in Survival! And we cannot decide with those 31 points. We have considered two variants, or versions thereof. We are very (possibly) sure about the points in Survival, but we need some ideas about the other 31. The ones we've been considering are:

The 31 Beast Mastery/0 Marksmanship/30 Survival
As we mentioned, we might change details in the BM tree as we see fit, though we are not sure how.

The 0 Beast Mastery/31 Marksmanship/30 Survival
As we mentioned, we might change details in the BM tree as we see fit, though we are not sure how.

It should also be mentioned that we are a bit unsure about Trap Mastery vs. Improved Feign Death. We are not very bothered with FDs resisting, though it happens - like our first attempt at heroic Ramparts... ->Dead hunter<- - but it is mostly survivable.

So? We hope someone will see this and give us some much needed input. Is this valid? Should we be lynched for even considering leaving good old Beast Mastery? Should we just burn lots of gold and try it all out? And as a point to that last suggestion, we have not got our epic flight mount yet, so we are not exactly swimming in gold...



Where we tell about some of our wardlings.

And we are back, at least for a short while. But we have not done much lately. We have mainly been following the progress of our shadow priest friend, Trisna, whom has reached her 30th season and got herself a Brown Horse. She did want a palomino one, but they are not sold to adventurers of such limited experience. She did mope a bit about that, but she still had the courtesy to say thank you when we had our bankier Hiiro send her the money for the riding training and the mount.

We also have a young druid under our economic wing, named Tendore. There is something about her that seems to tickle our memory, but we cannot put our finger on what it is. We thinks we need to get a hold of her and have a chat with her... We could call it a "coming of age" congratulatory get-together, as she just reached her 20th season. Yes, that might be our best course.

And we might as well mention that we are also looking after a young troll hunter, even though we are not in any way able to fund her mount and training. She is only of the 15th season as of yet, but we think she will make a fine survivalist hunter in her time. Her name, just for the record, is Rotash. She claims the name is a reconstruction of the name of some death god or another but we can find no sources confirming this. Our other reality avatar is trying to get something across, though. We guess we will let her get in a word if she knows where the root of Rotash comes from. Rotash is derived from the sápmi god of death, Ruto. So there, now we know. Sápmi death god. She sure is self confident... Good for her.


And we take a break from our duties.

We are currently off-duty in both Azeroth and Outland. Our helper in the other reality is headed to Denmark for the first half of July, so we will not be seen around. At all. We might update here a bit, though, and who knows. This blog might change it's character. We do, after all, find it a bit difficult to write about our normal life when our normal life is not happening. So we wish our helper and slave in the other reality a nice vacation, and wish for our speedy return to our normal duties.


Our current gear.

We said we'd post a gear list, so here goes.

Surestrike Goggles v2.0. They are gemmed with a Swift Windfire Diamond that will be replaced with something with +agility when we have enough sockets to meet a "2 of each" requirement, and a Wicked Noble Topaz. The enchant is the Glyph of Ferocity.
Choker of Vile Intent.
Beastmaw Pauldrons. They are enchanted with an Inscription of Vengeance that will be replaced with a Greater Inscription of Vengeance when we reach exalted with Aldor.
Drape of the Dark Reavers. It is enchanted with Greater Agility.
Beast Lord Cuirass. It is gemmed with two Bright Living Rubies and a Balanced Nightseye. Hopefully there will be some more +agility gems later on. The enchant is Exceptional Stats.
Stalker's War Bands. They are enchanted with Assault.
Beast Lord Handguards. They are gemmed with an Inscribed Ornate Topaz and a Balanced Nightseye. The enchant is Assault.
Rune-Engraved Belt.
Beast Lord Leggings. They are reinforced with the Cobrahide Leg Armor.
Ferocious Swift-Kickers. They are gemmed with a Jagged Talasite and a Shifting Nightseye.
Violet Signet and Garona's Signet Ring.
Battlemaster's Determination and Abacus of Violent Odds.

That is our gear-list. Any suggestions for upgrades are welcome, but keep in mind that we will probably not see anything beyond Zul'Aman. We believe that our guild will not be able to gather 25 people for a bigger raid.



Hmm... Now we are slightly worried and a bit baffled... Is it, or is it not, possible to cast Kill Command while casting Steady Shot? We have always done it while casting, and we have never seen anything to indicate that it is not working. We wonder...

We will also have to put up a gear list soon, with possible upgrades. Just for the overview...


The other reality

We realize that today we should take up something else entirely. And that is identity theft. We are not quite sure how to say this, as it affects the other reality, but we realize its importance, and thus we will talk about it anyway. I have had some guild mates who have had this problem previously, and now the problem seems to be escalating. We constantly hear about new cases, the latest one brought to our attention by BigRedKitty. He said that Lassirra of the Hunter's Mark had her reality compromised, and when we headed over there to see what had happened, we came across this link that have some very good and valid points about security. We hope that Blizzard will take this into account, and perhaps implement some of these suggestions. We know for certain that we would be all over better security, as we have no desire to lose everything we have worked for the last 2,5 years.

So go read that article on security, and pray to your deities that Blizzard will do something to fight the hacking and compromising of accounts.

We like our reality like it is, thank you very much, Mr. Hacker.


We had a thought

We have noticed something interesting. Even though it should theoretically be easy to keep a log of our life up to date, this is showing to be exceedingly difficult. We might have to do something about that. And the first thing we should do is sift through all the pictures that has been taken of us and our friends, edit them, tweak them, make them look pretty and post them. You know, so people will know who we are. We took some lovely pictures of us in our city-gear, after all... And there are so many gear upgrades to show off, too. We will go do that now.


For your information.

We need to post new pictures of ourself. New gear means new picture needed. And this time we will try to get a picture where Luna is included.


A good day, it was.

We cannot believe our luck on Saturday. We ran lots of instances, starting with the Mechanar, where Pathaleon the Calculator was kind enough to drop the Abacus of Violent Odds. Then we visited him again because our shadow priest friend Repina needed something there, and he dropped the Beast Lord Helm. After than, we went to the Botanica, where Warp Splinter was considerate enough to drop the Beast Lord Cuirass. So we are very pleased. Now we just need to get Warlord Kalithresh to drop the Beast Lord Leggings, so we can keep the 4 set bonus from the Beast Lord Armor when we change the cuirass with the Ebon Netherscale Breastplate. Though it is not critical yet, as we still lack 15 skillpoints and many, many primals before we can craft the breastplate.

We are ready for Karazhan, though. So now we just need some more raids while waiting for better gear.


Oh our stars and garters!

We just did some research, and apparently this drops off trash mobs in Sunwell Plateau. Almost makes us glad we do not have our engineering higher than we currently have. Because these are really desirable, and we will want them if we can get our greedy hands on them. They will be a huge update from these, though perhaps we should get our engineering up to their level before we start pining about that pattern. We do not expect to see Sunwell Plateau any time soon.

We have been to Karazhan.

Since last time, our lovely guild invited us to tag along to Karazhan, and we could of course not refuse, even though that meant standing up our friends we were going to heroic Mechanar with. We think it was worth it, though, and when they saw what it earned us, they could not agree more. We were extremely lucky and got our first non-welfare epic, the Legacy, which the Crone generously dropped for us. It meant that we lost our shot at the Fiend Slayer Boots from the Chess event, but it was still well worth it. And now we are just 2 Badges of Justice away from the Choker of Vile Intent. That choker will mean that we are just 20 hit points away from cap. Yes, we are excited.

And we must admit that it felt really nice to be told by our guild of Serpentshrine Cavern-geared raiders that we did very well in Kara. We are hoping the experience will be repeated soon, as we had to split before Prince, and we do want to meet him too.

Warlord Kalithresh was also thoughtful enough to drop our Beast Lord Mantle the other night, while at the same time giving us the reputation with the Cenarion Expedition we needed to finally get the Glyph of Ferocity we have been wanting for a while now. So yes, we are extremely pleased with this week.


I did it.

I finally got my Gnome Engineer Membership Card today. It was well worth it, but I am going to need more ingredients before I can continue with my training. I am hoping my paladin friend SvennO can help me with some of the metal parts, and my hunter friend Vinternatt has promised me leather and scales. And I might have to concentrate a bit more on my leatherworking. I still want the Ebon Netherscale set, but I am afraid it is going to take some time before I am proficient enough in dragonscale leatherworking to be able to craft the set.


I just thought I would inform...

Well, I have now spoken with Tinkmaster Overspark about my training in gnomish engineering. He seemed happy for my interest, but still demanded proof of my skills. I can understand this, though, and will hopefully be capable of providing him with the demanded items sometime tomorrow. At least if I can get my hands on enough Steel Bars. That he wants an Accurate Scope as well, means I will have to craft two of them, since I want one for my Valanos' Longbow as well. But that should not be too much of a problem.

What all this means, is that I am so much closer to get my hands on a pair of Surestrike Goggles v2.0. They will benefit both me and Luna, and will be a lot better than the Stalker's Chain Helm we are currently equipping.

I would like to introduce myself.


This here is our first attempt at telling our story to others than our previous and current guilds.

We are me, Souvraya Darkwhyn, a night elf hunter of the 70th season, trained in Beast Mastery, and my trusty nightsaber Luna, also of the 70th season. I have posted a little picture of myself to let you know what I look like. Later I might try to find a picture of us together, preferably taken during the day rather than the night, as the lighting is so much better for picture taking then. I suppose that just because we can see in the dark, not everyone else can, and the rather bad camera I found certainly cannot handle dusk or darker.

I just realised that you cannot see my scar in that picture... Oh well, I will tell you that story another time. I might also have to introduce you all to my trusty gnome friend Hiiro, who is kind enough to take care of much of my banking for me.

I can, other than that, inform that it is a bit expensive to train engineering from scratch, and I am already missing the possibility of skinning what I kill. Luckily, my dear friend Vinnie has offered to supply me with the leather I need for my leatherworking. I do not know what we would do without our dear, supportive friends.

I will write more at a later time, and perhaps introduce you to some of my other friends.

Best regards,
Souvraya Darkwhyn,
Raven of The Raven Council